Intelligent Christianity

by Wayne Spencer

Why Believe Christianity? - Article addressing the modern skepticism people have about religion in general and about Christianity.  Argues that Christianity explains both our personal experience and larger intellectual and logical issues about having a reasonable faith.  Also deals with the uniqueness of Christianity, the person of Jesus Christ, and Christ's resurrection.

Christ's Historical Resurrection - Article from the March 2005 Creation Answers newsletter on Jesus Christ's resurrection.  Problems with various views that do not accept it as historical.  

Why Believe the Bible? Part 1  -  This addresses what Biblical inerrancy means and the uniqueness of the Bible.  The signifance of translation issues and the consistency of the Bible are addressed.

Why Believe the Bible? Part 2  - This deals with the historicity of the Old Testament and with historical events predicted in Old Testament prophecy.  Also some on the preservation of the Old Testament.

Why Believe the Bible? Part 3 - Gives examples of events and factual details in the New Testament that are confirmed from historical and archeological research.  Special look at Christ's crucifixion, the miracles that took place that day, and quotes of historians from the second century.

The Date of Christ's Crucifixion - This presents a case that Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday April 1, 33 AD.  Two lines of argument are used to support this.  Addresses how Jesus could be crucified on Friday and rise from the dead on Sunday and agree with all the gospels.  

Why are there natural disasters?  - A biblical logical approach to dealing with a difficult question.  14 numbered points.

The Creation Foundation - How creationism provides a logical basis for a Christian worldview and Christian values. Addresses why creation is important to Christians.

The Reality Structure - This is a summary on what makes up the components of a world view.  A special diagram called the Reality Structure is used to illustrate world view issues.  What makes Christianity unique and how origins relates to our whole world view is discussed.

The Christian Gospel, in God's Own Words - This is a compilation of Scriptures (with some added comments) that summarize the message of the Bible. The verses used start with who God is as Creator and explain key concepts important for understanding Christianity.

Christian Principles in Human Affairs - This is an excellent paper by Psychology Professor Dr. Paul Ackerman, from Wichita State University in Wichita, KS.  In 1993 Dr. Ackerman was one of a number of Christians from the U.S. and Korea who travelled to China to present to the Chinese government the case for Christianity.  Others in this group included Dr. John Morris from the Institute for Creation Research and Astronaut Shanon Lucid.  Dr. Ackerman was not able to present this paper but did hand it out to a number of people.  It is a unique summary of how Christianity is relevant to individuals and beneficial to a nation.

Can Science Prove the Bible? - This short article addresses the limitations of science, the distinction between experimental and forensic science, the nature of scientific proof, and how scientific evidence confirms the Bible.

Why God Would Not Use Evolution - This article addresses theological and Biblical issues about how biological macroevolution conflicts with Scripture.  The origin and significance of physical death are addressed, as well as what atheists say about evolution and Genesis.  Also problems with the Day-Age and Gap Theory views of Genesis 1 are discussed briefly. 

Misconceptions about Creationism - This is a discussion of 8 common misconceptions people have about creationism, especially the young-age creationist viewpoint.   These misconceptions are often assumed by individuals with significant scientific training.

 Creation and Abortion - This is a two-part article that once appeared in a pro-life newsletter published in Kansas approximately early 1992.  It addresses the connection between our view of origins and our view of human life in Part 1.  Part 2, about science and abortion, shows how a creationist view of science strongly supports the pro-life position that human life begins at conception.  Part 2 also answers the evolutionary argument from embryological recapitulation. 

Creation and the Attributes of God - This is an outline that comments on Romans 1:18-20 and developes the idea that Nature shows what God is like.  Nature should motivate people to want to know and worship God.  This is part of a Biblical perspective on intelligent design.  To download Digital Audio file of this lecture (mp3 file, 30.5 MB) RIGHT CLICK HERE
Evolution and Society, Part 1 - This addresses how evolutionary ideas influence society.  This deals with surveys of evolutionary scientists regarding belief in God, and how this compares to the public.  Free Will and anti-humanism are also discussed.

Evolution and Society, Part 2 - Discusses free will and differences between humans and animals regarding responsibility for our actions.  Describes the Leopold and Loeb court case of 1924 and the evolutionary arguments used by Clarence Darrow as the defense attorney. 

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