Best Evidence for a Young Earth, Part 2 - Deals with Category 2 evidences, which are non-quantifiable but deal with important issues raised by geologists.
Fossils - What do they record? - This explains basics about different types of fossils and how they relate to Noah's Flood. Addresses how creationists and evolutionists have different definitions of what a "transitional form" is, that might be evidence for evolution.
Article Series on the RATE Research Project - Radioactivity and the Age of the Earth
Radioactivity and the Age of the Earth
This is an introduction to the science of radioactive decay and the assumptions of radiometric dating methods.
Carbon-14 and the Age of the Earth
Explains anomalous Carbon-14 and how the fact of C-14 still existing in many rocks and fossils is evidence for a young Earth
Radioactive Decay Rates - New Ideas and Old Controversies
Explains what radiohalos are and why they give evidence for accelerated radioactive decay in the past. This is key to the RATE research.
Radioactive Dating and Helium Diffusion - Confirmation of the Biblical Time Scale
Explains how the age of the Earth can be estimated from the diffusion rate of Helium out of Zircon crystals. Uranium decay.
Geologic Column Table - This is a table referred to in the Introduction to Flood Geology. It shows how evolutionist scientists have divided up Earth history into various periods. Rocks are classified by this chart.
Kansas Fossils and a Great Flood - This is a summary of evidence for the world-wide Flood in Genesis, including facts on marine fossils found in Kansas. There is also a discussion of the Miller Stone, in which wood was found in Cretaceous sandstone (NOT fossilized wood).
How We Know the World is Young - This is a short overview of evidence pointing to the Earth and Universe being young. The Bible, Radioactive dating techniques, the Mt. St. Helens volcanic eruption, and other subjects are commented on.
Mammoths - What Really Happened? - This article answers
a common question that has been addressed in many creationist
books. In Northern Siberia there are regions where many Mammoth
remains have been found frozen in the arctic tundra. Some have
argued that these Mammoths were quick frozen in Noah's Flood.
This gives Wayne Spencer's opinion on the issue, with a list of sources
for more information.
Impact Bombardment Surrounding the Genesis Flood - ICC 1998 paper
by Wayne Spencer (PDF, 334 KB)
At the end of the same file - Earth Impacts,
the Geologic Column, and Chicxulub - a follow-up update from CRSQ
to the above paper
Geophysical Effects of Impacts during the
Genesis Flood - ICC 1998 paper by Wayne Spencer (PDF, 432 KB)
"Catastrophic Impact Bombardment
Surrounding the Genesis Flood" addresses geological and physical
evidences that impacts from space occurred during the global Noahic
Flood described in Genesis. "Geophysical Effects of Impacts
during the Genesis Flood" deals with what the physical effects would be
of thousands of impacts occurring surrounding Noah's Flood. The
duration of these effects is related to the Flood chronology to examine
whether such an event could realistically accompany other processes of
the Flood.
The two "ICC" papers here were
presented at the Technical Symposium of the International Conference on
Creationism in 1998. Published in the Proceedings of the
International Conference on Creationism, Used by permission. For
copies of the Proceedings contact the Creation Science Fellowship, P.O.
Box 99303, Pittsburgh, PA, 15233.
Chesapeake Bay Impact and Noah's Flood - by Wayne R. Spencer and Michael J. Oard
This paper looks at the issue of when
the Chesapeake Bay crater occurred in relation to Noah's Flood.
Under Chesapeake Bay lies a large buried crater approximately 85 Km
(over 50 miles) in diameter. The Biblical Geologic Model of
Tasman Walker is applied to the geology of the Chesapeake Bay
area. The paper argues that the impact occurred while Flood
waters were running off the continent in the Abative Phase of the
Flood. (PDF, 279 KB, published in the Creation Research Society
Quarterly, V 41, No. 2, December 2004. Click to go to the CRS web site)