Creation Answers Newsletters - 2013 and 2014

Previous issues of the Creation AnswersNewsletter. 
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Creation Answers Newsletter, Vol 14, Issue 1, March 2013  (PDF, 135 KB)
Big Bang Theories and the Christian World View, Duane Gish 1921-2013,
The Privileged Planet
Creation Answers Newsletter, Vol. 14, Issue 2, June 2013  (PDF, 153 KB)
What Kind of Universe is This?, Cain and Seth's Wives, Universe by
Design Book.
Creation Answers Newsletter, Vol. 14, Issue 3, Sept. 2013  (PDF, 130 KB)
Missing Links of Big Bang Theory, Review of "Flight" Video, Creation
Research 2013

Creation Answers Newsletter, Vol. 14, Issue 4, Dec. 2013  (PDF, 256 KB)
Science and the Big Bang, Comets and the Oort Theory, The Long Day of Joshua.
Creation Answers Newsletter, Vol. 15, Issue 1, March 2014  (PDF, 206 KB)
Scoffers Versus Noah, God's Not Dead Movie, Bill Nye - Ken Ham Debate
Creation Answers Newsletter, Vol. 15, Issue 2, June 2014   (PDF, 270 KB)
Magnetic Evidence for Young Worlds, Craters and Creation - A New View,
Were Stegosaurs in Cambodia?
Creation Answers Newsletter, Vol. 15, Issue 3, Sept. 2014  (PDF, 625 KB)
Johannes Kepler - Great Science and Great Christian, The Rosetta Comet
Mission, The 2014 CRS Conference.
Creation Answers Newsletter, Vol. 15, Issue 4, December 2014  (PDF, 281 KB)
The Impossibility of Flight Evolution, New "Guide to Dinosaurs," Evolution's
Achilles' Heels Video.


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