Good Heavens!

A podcast about the universe with Wayne and Dan

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Hear Wayne Spencer and his friend Daniel Ray discuss topics about astronomy and faith in the Good Heavens! Podcast.  This Podcast began in September 2017 and is now available on and  The Podcast is also available from Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts (via Podbean).  Both Patreon and Podbean have applications available for mobile devices.  Dan Ray has a Masters degree in Apologetics from Houston Baptist University.  Good Heavens tries to take space topics beyond facts and figures and deal with the human side of astronomy.

Some of the Good Heavens! Podcasts will appear here as samples.  Follow them on or via  Available through many Podcast platforms.

Things Too Big for the Big Bang - Program 2 Part 2
Things Too Big for the Big Bang - Program 2 Part 1

Evolution and Aliens-Part 2
Evolution and Aliens-Part 1
Supernovae-Part 2
Supernovae-Part 1
Ancient Aliens - Chariots of the Gods?  No!
Star of Bethlehem-Part 2
Star of Bethlehem-Part 1
The Sun-Part 2
The Sun-Part 1
The Pleiades and Star Clusters
The Lamb of God - The Passover in the Gospels

The Sun, Moon, and Time - Calendars Part 2

For Signs and Seasons: Calendars of the Ancient World

The Majesty and Mystery of the Universe, Part 2
The Majesty and Mystery of the Universe, Part 1
COMETS Part 2 - The Mystery of Lifes Origin

COMETS Part 1 - Did They Help Start Life on Earth?

Third Anniversary Episode - Lessons for Today from Johannes Kepler

The Sun and Moon Stand Still - Encouragement from Joshua 10
Cosmologists Say the Strangest Things

Unsolved Mysteries of the Cosmos - (Big Bang Part 2)

The Bible Versus the Big Bang (Big Bang, Part 1)
Why do we want to go into space?
Arp! What Light Through Yonder Telescope Breaks!

Galactic Wonders, Part 1

The Heavens are Full of Surprises. Ultima Thule and Beyond!

Good Heavens! It's Pluto!

The Genesis Flood
Apollo 11 - 50 Years Later
Apollo 8 - 50 Years Later

The Mystery of Oumuamua

Exoplanets - Wayne's Worlds (Part 2)

Exoplanets (Part 1)

Making Models of the Heavens
(Solar System Part 2)

The Solar System (Part 1)
The Fine Tuning of the Universe

Stars: How do they form?

Things Too Big for the Big Bang

Jupiter and the Juno Mission

The Odd Couple of Astronomy, Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler




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