A classic description of evolution and "survival of the
"Evolution knows no moral feeling. The earth is a gory battle-ground,
where the weakest animals
[die] . . . in a pitiless struggle of tooth and claw. . . . It is
a ruthless, blundering, non-moral process, without a glimmer of guidance
behind it."
From CRS Quarterly, Sept. 1993; originally from Woolsey Teller,
The Atheism of Astronomy, 1972, Amo Press, N.Y., p 2.
But, does this describe the real world?
"Another, far different view is now emerging from research:
cooperation, not competition seems to be the dominant mode of animal interaction.
Lewis Thomas (1974), argues that the overwhelming tendancy in nature
is toward symbiosis, union, and harmony. . . . Even Leakey and Lewin
(1978) have concluded that it is often the organisms that cooperate
which are the ones that are more likely to survive, . . . ."
Jerry Bergman, "The Problem of Extinction and Natural Selection,"
Creation Research Society Quarterly, 30:2, Sept. 1993, p 98.