All posts by waynespencer

Faith Versus NASA

Another dissident in science has been discriminated against and wrongly treated on the job for his faith.  I use the word “dissident” because this relates to an article I wrote called “The Mistreatment of Darwin Doubters.”  The article was a review of a great book by Dr. Jerry Bergman, “Slaughter of the Dissidents.”  What I’m referring to now is about David Coppedge, who was an employee for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).  NASA’s JPL facility manages a lot of solar system research and thus what they do is of much interest to me.  I have read articles from David Coppedge on the internet and in the Acts and Facts publication of the Institute for Creation Research.  He often writes about solar system research and I like his articles and often agree with him.  His perspective seems to be similar to mine on planetary science.  Thus, I am troubled by the way he was demoted and then laid off, apparently because of his Christian beliefs and him promoting ideas related to Intelligent Design.

Note that Coppedge is not one of the top scientists at NASA.  He was apparently some type of team leader in a computer related position on the Cassini mission to Saturn (a very important mission).  He worked for NASA for I believe 15 years.  But in 2009 he was removed from his team lead position, then more recently was let go.  NASA says he was let go as a result of budget cuts and because of issues about him relating poorly to his peers.  In 2009 some employees accused him of harrassment.  What was his harrassment?  Apparently it was speaking about his Christian perspective on various issues such as his support for California’s Proposition 8 which defines marriage as limited to heterosexual couples, believing in use of the word “Christmas,” and handing out Intelligent Design related video DVDs.  Today some who oppose Christianity overreact to any expression of it or hint of it in the workplace.  Christians do have to be careful, but the founders of this nation would be appauled at someone losing their job over freedom of speech and freedom of religious expression.  It doesn’t sound like what Coppedge was doing was so dangerous, it sounds like the reaction to it is the dangerous thing.

What would happen today if Isaac Newton were trying to go through the modern University system to get a Ph.D. in Physics and then work for some scientific organization?  There is a good possibility today Newton would not be allowed to get this Ph.D. and he would not be likely to get the prestigious position of Lucasian Professor at Cambridge, which Newton once held.  Newton’s principles of mechanics and motion are still depended on by NASA but I doubt that NASA would allow Newton to be hired.  Newton believed in intelligent design and wrote about it regarding the solar system.  He also believed the Bible and wrote Bible commentaries, especially on the book of Daniel.  Newton did have some questionable theology on some issues, such as having trouble with the concept of the Trinity.  But, I think he was definitely a Christian and he wrote against the idea of evolution.  The only comfort I can give to David Coppedge is that 1) You’re in good company with Isaac Newton, and 2) You’ve stood up for your Christian faith in an unbelieving world, so I applaud you whether NASA does or not.

Two articles about David Coppedge below.  There is a lawsuit that reached court this past week apparently.  Don’t know the outcome yet.
First, Yahoo News article.  Second, an MSNBC article here.  This article deals more with the aspect of the “dangers” of expressions of religion in the workplace.  I don’t know David Coppedge personally and I don’t know how he related to his peers at work.  But it is very suspicious that after apparently 15 years he is let go in this way.  In scientific organizations and in academia, it seems like there is a mindset that those in charge are somehow exempt from having to respect freedom of speech and freedom of religious expression.  It looks like a classic example of discrimination and mistreatment.  It’s true that employers do not have to tolerate any and all types of expression of someone’s religious faith on the job.  But the problem is that the general idea of what constitutes making fair allowance for someone has changed in our culture.  Employers, or government agencies, care about how things look when someone is let go and it is often hard to determine the honest truth about why someone is let go.  Employers let people go carefully at times and in ways where it will look legitimate, so the real reason for it is not evident.  I can’t claim to know the situation with Mr. Coppedge but it looks very suspicious.  The Alliance Defense Fund and The Discovery Institute are both supporting Coppedge in the lawsuit.  The lawsuit is sort of Coppedge’s faith versus NASA, but it should not have to be that way.

Weeds in the Blog

My blog has been in existence now for about two and a half weeks.  Any kind of blog system or discussion forum system is automatically found by automated software on the web that looks for places to try and create fake links to another page.  They are fake because they create comments that are not from real users.  Someone is starting some webpage for something and they want to make search engines rank their page higher.  Links from other sites to your website do help search engines find your site.  My website does not get a lot of traffic but I do get referrals from some other creationism related websites that have links to it.  In the years I’ve had my website, search engines have found my site via traffic linking people to my site, and the various articles with my name on other creation ministry websites.  I can’t remember any case where I asked for such a link on another site, though I’m not positive.  I certainly did not go all over the internet creating bogus links to my site just to promote it.  This was slowly accomplished over time.  So most of my traffic on my website, and requests to my newsletter, are real people.  People have referred their friends to my site or my newsletter.  I hope the same happens with this blog.

In the short time my blog has existed there has been so far 16 fake comments that some persons or programs have tried to post to my site just to make a link to their site.  Their hope is that people reading my site will see the fake posts and click the link out of curiosity.  But I have installed a system on my site called Akismet that prevents comment spam.  So far it’s working pretty well.  I can tell the fakes from the real readers, so far.  So the fake comments haven’t been seen on the blog.

All this makes me think of Jesus’ parable of the weeds in Matthew 13:24-30.  Here’s the beginning of this from the NIV Bible (1984).   “Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat ….”  

This is like comment spam.  I put what I hope is worthwhile posts on my blog hoping that it will help some who read it.  But there is more traffic from the fakes so far than from real readers.  But I will delete the spam (the weeds).  Operating a blog means you have to deal with the weeds some so that real readers can have something to read.  In Jesus’ parable, the weeds are left until the end of history when Jesus returns.  Jesus will send angels to get rid of the weeds so the righteous can live in peace.  Jesus has the right to do this because of who he is and what he has done.  The righteous in the parable are referred to as the wheat.  The seed of the truth of the gospel is spread abroad among both weeds and wheat.  The weeds and wheat both grow for a time.  Some weeds look a lot like wheat (I know this because I grew up in Kansas).  Some may have trouble telling the difference between weeds and wheat, at least when you look from a distance.  But the God who sows the message knows the difference between the real believers and the fakes.  One good thing is that it is possible for weeds to become wheat in real life!  A nonbeliever can become a believer.  Jesus has been making this kind of metamorphosis in human lives for a long time now. 

Just a little update on this post. It’s now March 17, 2012 and there are 33 fake comments I’ve received since this post. More weeds with the wheat. Sending them to binary oblivion.

Wayne Spencer